The Liberal Democrat's support fell away at the last minute. 自由民主党的支持率在最后一刻有所下降。
I consider myself to be a liberal democrat, or to be more exact, a democratic liberal. 我认为自己是个自由主义的民主党人,或者更准确地说,是倡导民主的自由主义者。
As a Liberal Democrat I subscribe to the internationalist approach. 作为自由民主党成员,我支持国际主义路线。
After Mr Staines highlighted the comments, Conservative and Liberal Democrat MPs demanded he be questioned during the independent inquiry. 在Staines提亮了这个评论之后,保守党和工党的议员都一致要求摩根必须接受他们独立的质询。
He is in charge of the Liberal Democrat Party, which got23% of the vote. 克莱格领导的是自民党,他们获得了23%的选票。
Could it be that the liberal media and those in Congress, knowing that, is blaring the bad economic news from the rooftops in order to manipulate voters into voting for a Democrat? 是否这些所谓的自由媒体和国会们故意的在大选前着重强调这场危机,而操纵大选结果?
The Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg said Mr Brown's announcement could be important for a smooth transition towards a new government. 自民党领袖克莱格表示,布朗的宣布对于顺利过渡到新政府是非常重要的。
The speed with which the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties sealed their coalition agreement at the weekend would be described in Germany as indecent haste. 最近,英国保守党和自民党签订联合政府协议的速度如果放在德国,会被描述为草率得有失检点。